3 Topics I Am Exploring In My Life Right Now

Casey Jourdan
2 min readAug 13, 2022

There are 3 topics I am actively thinking about a lot these days:

Photo by Ethan Sees: https://www.pexels.com/photo/round-mirror-2853432/

Topic #1: Building trust in ourselves

I am interested in self-trust because we are constantly bombarded with messages about how we “should” be living our lives. Those should’s drive many to doubt themselves. That doubt begins to feel like we’re stuck in a mud bog; we don’t know if we should fight or give in. And in that indecision, the world continues spinning, and choices are made for us, only driving us deeper into that bog of doubt.

As I continue to learn more about doubt and trust, I’ll be able to help others find the root of their self-doubts and give them the tools to pull themselves out onto solid ground of self-trust.

Topic #2: Having more hard conversations

When my husband and I were going thru infertility treatments, there were a lot of hard conversations and decisions with zero good options.

Years of therapy have taught me that talking thru the shit in my life is crucial, so my husband and I talked a lot. But when I looked around the infertility support communities, I saw many people avoiding the hard conversations. I saw the power in starting the hard conversations sooner, having them more often, and in smaller bites.

Topic #3: Owning our stories

I also have an interest in learning more about owning our stories.

We’ve all got a story. Learning to carry it with us instead of constantly fighting against it is one of the foundations of growing and evolving to the following best stages of our lives. I love making space for others to share their stories and explore what those events meant to them and, more so, how they can move forward with that piece held safely.

Read this post and more on my Typeshare Social Blog

